Basketball Hoop Installation

In-ground basketball hoop installation can be a daunting task, requiring an array of tools and skills to complete the job successfully. When installed correctly, a basketball hoop can be an attractive addition to your home and can last a lifetime.
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Basketball Hoop Installation

Basketball Hoop Installation Frequently Asked Questions
How much does it cost to install a basketball hoop?
Because basketball hoop systems can range widely in size, complexity of install, and the tools and knowledge required to install them installation cost can range from a few hundred dollars to upward of a thousand. With our service, you can get a quote on quality basketball goal installation service near you quickly and easily.
Can I install my basketball hoop directly in the ground?
The most popular type of basketball hoop installation is through the use of an anchor system, this consists of a metal plate with anchor bolt that is set into a concrete footer. This will allow you to bolt the systemin or remove it and take it with you should you move. Other systems require a portion of the pole to be installed into the concrete footer, then the remaining unit to be bolted to the pole.
Do basketball hoop require a building permit?
While a basketball hoop system does not require a permit you will need to have a current clearance to dig in the area where the basketball hoop system will be place to ensure no underground utilities will be affected. If you have an HOA, you may need to check to ensure basketball hoops are allowed.
How long does it take to installation a basketball hoop?
The typical install timeline will depend on the size of the concrete footer for your specific model. Plan on a 3-5 day process with 2 visits. 1 day to dig the hole, pour the concrete, and set the anchor followed by a 2-4 day waiting period for the concrete to cure, with a 2 day visit to assembly the rest of the system and attach it to the anchor.

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